Alex Smalley is an international professional American golfer who plays on the PGA Tour Canada and Korn Ferry tour. His full name is Alex Anthony Smalley.
Smalley was born in Rochester, New York, and went to Duke University, focusing on Environmental Sciences.
Smalley’s Salary and Net worth
Smalley has accumulated a total of $1,611,734 in career earnings, with an average annual prize money of $537,245. His net worth is $1,611,734. Turning professional in 2014, Alex Smalley, born in the USA, has played for four years. As of 2023, Alex Smalley has earned $1,460,381. His most successful year was 2021-22, during which he earned $1,460,381.

Alex Smalley’s yearly income can be broken down as follows:
- 2021 Salary: $151,353
- 2022 Salary: $1,460,381
- 2023 Salary: $1,460,381 (till May)
His age and height
His height is 6 feet 0 inches or 1.83m. He was born on 21st October 1996. According to the date, his current age is 28 years old. At present, his weight is 73 kg.
His wife or girlfriend
He is not married yet but, he proclaimed his wedding ceremony. He will marry his girlfriend Stephanie Carrroll in 2025.
Alex Smalley’s golf ranking, family, and biography
His highest ranking is 63 as of 09th July 2023. He studied at Duke University in the USA. And, his former tour was PGA Tour Canada, Korn Ferry Tour, and the LocaliQ Series.
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Alex Smalley Golfer’s Career and News
In 2019, Smalley began his professional career, participated in the LocaliQ Series in 2020, and in 2021, he competed in the PGA Tour Canada and the Korn Ferry Tour Finals, securing a PGA Tour card for the 2021–22 season. Notably, he achieved T-2 placements at the 2022 Corales Puntacana Championship and the 2023 John Deere Classic on the PGA Tour.